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    red dragon fruit

Food Percentage of DRI per 100 grams


Red dragon fruit, also called Pitaya, is a nutrient dense fruit that grows on a cactus with flowers that open at night. It comes in other colors such as white and yellow, but the red variety has the most nutrients and antioxidants. Antioxidants protect us from free radicals and thereby protects us against ageing, heart disease, cancer and diabetes. It is high in fiber, vitamin C, magnesium and phosphorous, and it has the ability to decrease bad cholesterol. 


Similar to kiwi fruit, dragon fruit has small seeds with significant nutritional value. According to research in the World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, these seeds contain fatty acids, including omega-3 and omega-9 fatty acids as well as natural oils. 


Dragon fruit contains prebiotic fiber that enhances digestion and promotes good bacteria in the gut, according to a study in the Electronic Journal of Biotechnology.

Dragon fruit contains carbohydrates called oligosaccharides, which researchers believe help stimulate the growth of healthful bacteria in the stomach and intestines.

Benefits of prebiotics such as those present in dragon fruit include enhanced digestion, enhanced immune system function, and a lower risk of intestinal infections.



According to Anthony Williams, the red pigments in the dragon fruit is a rejuvinator for the liver with the ability to bring cells back to life.It has the ability to cleanse the liver and other organs by removing toxins.



Youcan find red dragon fruit fresh, frozen, or powder form.